关于「 day after」的内容列表

Market News: Trump will sign an executive order at 3:30 PM EST on Tuesday

Market news: Trump will sign an executive order at 3:30 p.m. ET on Tuesday. (Jin Ten)

2025-03-18 02:16:22
U.S. Commerce Secretary Lutnik: U.S. President Donald Trump will decide on tariffs on Monday afternoon (local time).

U.S. Commerce Secretary Lutnik: U.S. President Donald Trump will decide on tariffs on Monday afternoon (local time).

2025-03-03 15:32:17
Trump will decide on tariffs on Monday afternoon (local time)

U.S. Commerce Secretary Robert Lutnik said that U.S. President Donald Trump will decide on tariffs on Monday afternoon (local time), and the Commerce Department will release relevant information on Tuesday.

2025-03-03 15:39:26
President Trump will sign the executive order at 3:30 PM EST on Friday

President Trump will sign the executive order at 3:30 p.m. Eastern time on Friday.

2025-02-21 03:28:29
Musk says he will inspect Fort Knox gold reserves

In an interview at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) on Thursday afternoon local time, Musk said, "We want to go and see it, it's the public's gold... I think you have a right to see it." He then offered to visit Fort Knox to see if the gold was still there, and said he thought Trump would approve of doing so. "It should be like a live tour where you can see what's going on. I'll see it," Musk said. (Golden Ten)

2025-02-21 00:39:32
Trump and X reach settlement over lawsuit filed over Twitter ban after January 6

Market news: Trump and X have reached a settlement in a lawsuit filed over Twitter's ban after January 6.

2025-02-08 04:40:46
Hong Kong legislator Ng Kit Chong proposes to set up 100 million HKD fund to support Web3 industry

Fourteen members of Hong Kong's Legislative Council C15 + met with Financial Secretary Paul Chan and other officials on the afternoon of February 6 to discuss the new budget. Among them, Legislative Council Member Ng Kit-chuang put forward a total of 22 proposals in five areas, including the development of the Web3 industry. In terms of Web3 industry support, Wu Jiezhuang proposed to continue the development direction of the 2023/24 budget and put forward two key measures: First, invest 50 milli...

2025-02-07 11:50:15
The World Economic Forum says Trump will attend the Davos meeting online

President-elect Donald Trump will deliver an online speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos on Thursday afternoon.

2025-01-14 13:12:54
Crypto-friendly Mike Johnson has been re-elected as Speaker of the US House of Representatives

On Friday afternoon local time, Trump-backed Republican Representative Mike Johnson received enough votes to be re-elected as House Speaker. Johnson is considered a crypto-friendly figure, having previously voted in favor of the 21st Century Financial Innovation and Technology Act (commonly known as FIT21) and the Anti-Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) Act. Johnson's re-election and Emmer's continued tenure as the majority whip mean that crypto-friendly members of Congress are likely to push ...

2025-01-03 22:02:02
OKX will list SWELLUSDT perpetual contract at 5:00 pm today

According to the official announcement, OKX will officially launch the SWELLUSDT perpetual contract on the web, app and API at 5:00 pm (UTC + 8) on November 25, 2024. Swell Network is an ETH liquidity staking protocol designed for stakers, node operators and L2/Ethereum ecosystems.

2024-11-25 07:53:16
18 US states sue Securities Exchange Commission over "unconstitutional overreach" of digital assets

On Thursday afternoon, 18 states led by Kentucky Attorney General Russell Coleman, in partnership with cryptocurrency advocacy group DeFi Education Fund, jointly sued the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) and five of its commissioners in Kentucky District Court. They charged that the SEC, under the leadership of Chairperson Gary Gensler,...

2024-11-14 23:49:13
Polymarket forecasts that Republicans will win control of the House of Representatives

As of Wednesday afternoon in New York, Polymarket's "Can the Democrats take back control of the House of Representatives after the 2024 election?" contract was trading at 1 cent, indicating that traders saw only a 1 per cent chance of the party taking back control of the House and a 99 per cent chance of Republicans winning it. According to the Associated Press, as of 2 p.m. ET, control of the House of Representatives was still uncertain. But Republicans have won at least 52 Senate seats...

2024-11-06 21:27:34
Trump running mate Vance taunts Harris as "trash"

"In two days, we're going to take out the trash, and the name of the trash is Kamala Harris," Mr. Trump's running mate, Senator Vance of Ohio, said at a campaign rally on Monday afternoon, shortly after claiming that Mr. Harris was "disrespectful" and "even hateful" to some Americans. In his final appearance at the Atlanta campaign, Mr. Vance tried to put Harry...

2024-11-05 06:59:09
Analysis: Options markets predict volatility of around 8% the day after US Presidential Election

Bitcoin speculators are bracing for the possibility of significant market volatility following Tuesday's U.S. election day, with Caroline Mauron, co-founder of crypto derivatives trading liquidity provider Orbit Markets, saying that the options market also foreshadows expected volatility of around 8 percent the day after the vote, compared to the 2 percent that normally goes up or down. However, he also pointed out that after November 7, there was no significant volatility premium in the market,...

2024-11-05 04:25:22
The dollar against the yen USD/JPY continued to rise, reaching a high of 149.52, the highest level since August 2.

The dollar against the yen USD/JPY continued to rise, reaching a high of 149.52, the highest level since August 2.

2024-10-10 04:33:00

7x24 快讯

03:38 2025-03-18
03:35 2025-03-18
以太坊基金会(EF)正在积极听取社区反馈并探索运营变革,Dragonfly管理合伙人Haseeb Qureshi透露了这一消息。Qureshi指出,其在ETH San Francisco与EF成员会面后,该组织内部存在一种紧迫感,并意识到自2020年以来行业格局已发生变化。他建议EF领导层正在积极考虑如何复制Solana的Superteam...
03:35 2025-03-18
律所Burwick Law已对Kelsier、KIP、Meteora及相关方就LIBRA代币发行提起诉讼
据Cointelegraph报道,律师事务所Burwick Law已代表其客户在纽约最高法院对Kelsier Ventures、KIP Protocol、Meteora及相关方就LIBRA代币发行提起诉讼。这份集体诉讼诉状指控被告方策划了一场不公平的代币发行活动,误导了购买者,并损害了散户投资者的利益。
03:32 2025-03-18
「Hyperliquid 20倍做空BTC巨鲸」已在今早将512.64枚BTC空单全部平仓,半个月累计获利621万美元
据@ai_9684xtpa监测,「Hyperliquid 20倍做空BTC巨鲸」已在今早将512.64枚BTC空单全部平仓,半个月累计获利621万美元。 他于近期3月3日BTC反弹最高点(95,824美元)开启20倍空单,峰值时规模达4190万美元,随后从03.15起开始分批平仓,平仓区间为82817美元至84303美元。
03:32 2025-03-18
03:23 2025-03-18
Wazirx计划在Zodia Custody的支持下重新启动
3月18日消息,印度加密交易所Wazirx在发生重大安全漏洞导致平台受到侵害并造成巨大财务损失后,正准备重启运营。在黑客攻击之后,该交易所实施了更严格的合规措施,并全面改造了其安全基础设施,以防止今后再发生此类事件。3月17日,Wazirx宣布已任命Zodia Custody为其官方托管人,该公司由标准渣打银行、北方信托、SBI Holdings、澳大利亚国民银行(...
03:20 2025-03-18
03:04 2025-03-18
02:58 2025-03-18
02:52 2025-03-18
据链上分析师余烬监测,一月一解锁的Blur在4小时前解锁了2169万枚BLUR(232万美元),接下来应该会跟之前一样转进Coinbase Prime。 Blur自2023/6/15进入解锁周期以来,已经解锁了35%总量的BLUR(10.44亿枚)并转进Coinbase Prime进入市场流通。以转出时的价格计算,价值3.37亿美元。转出平均价0.32美元。
02:49 2025-03-18
3月18日消息,据4E监测,周一美股延续了上周五的反弹势头,投资者在市场连续四周下跌后寻求逢低买入,推动指数上扬。截至收盘,道指涨0.85%,纳指涨0.31%,标普500指数涨0.64%。大型科技股多数下跌,特斯拉领跌4.83%,今年已下跌超40%。 加密市场窄幅整荡,整体表现较为平淡,比特币基...
02:43 2025-03-18
Vitalik 出售 5000 枚 DHN ,约合 12.6 万美元
据链上分析师 Onchain Lens监测,以太坊创始人 Vitalik Buterin已出售 5,000 枚 DHN 代币,交易价值约为 65.19 ETH(折合 124,672 美元)。 据监测,Vitalik 目前仍持有 5,000 枚 DHN 代币,目前价值约 113,000 美元。